It took 85 long years. It took someone like Sr. Prescilla, and, it took a happy band of 8 Carmelites. The Mount Carmel Alumnus was formed – after 85 years. Many Principals came, served their tenure and went. Thousands of young women crossed the portals of this great institution and left, lost in the sea of humanity. Students and Principals in the past often toyed with the idea of forming an alumnus. But, it remained at that. Finally the thought was abandoned.
In 2009, Sr. Prescilla too toyed with the idea. But this time, the dream of forming an alumnus gradually started taking shape. Word was sent round. A date was fixed-January 17, 2009. It was indeed a revelation to see a good number of Carmelites ranging from 1955 batch to 2000 gathered at the School Hall. The atmosphere was charged with emotion. The ladies groped in the eyes of their friends that little girl with pony tail and uniform several years earlier. A second date was decided upon when about 300 odd Carmelites assembled at the school hall once again. But this time some order was restored. The Carmelites registered themselves and decided to meet again on 28th March 2009.
Strangely on that day, nobody turned up. Two ex- Carmelites walked in, met Sr. Prescilla and wondered why the place appeared deserted. Two more Carmelites walked in and wondered whether they had arrived on the right day. Four of them and later four more were caught in a dilemma whether they should wait and for how long. Minutes ticked away.
Suddenly, Sr. Prescilla thumped the table and took a decision. A decision that waited 85 long years and, for Sr. Prescilla. She decided that the eight Carmelites would form the working committee of the Mount Carmel Alumnus. After the initial disbelief and euphoria, the committee got down to serious business. A plan of action was drawn up – the first priority being raising funds to build a teachers’ fund and secondly to build a resource team who would help the students and the school in various activities.
A series of programmes have been planned. “REVIVAL” was the first successful programme that the working committee put up. I was a classical dance and musical evening on June 20, 2009. Tickets for Rs. 100 were sold only to ex – Carmelites. The response was quite encouraging. Carmelites across the globe have started registering themselves on line at Connect with Alumni.
The ball has started rolling. God bless our “Revival.” We are happy to be united with carmel again.
Mt. Carmel’s Eco Club takes care of nurturing the environment and the cleanliness of the school.
The school’s Social Service Club has been teaching this lesson to all its member students.
We initiate students into girl guides through a process of game played throughout the world.
To develop students awareness of and concern for scientific issues in personal, social, technological contexts.
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