Mother Veronica, The Foundress Of The Apostolic Carmel is celebrating her Bi-birth Centenary year today. She has not only been the reason for our existence but acts as a support system for each and every Carmelite both then and now. Praying to Mother Veronica brings hope and bliss in our lives knowing that she’s always with us. She is OUR perfect example of a relentess seeker who selflessly worked with only one aim in her life i.e to do God’s will. She dedicated her life to the education of girls fulfilling God’s mission in her life. We are grateful to have such a great role model whose journey of faith and fortitude taught us to have a personal relationship with God. She is the epitome of prayer for all of us.
On this special occasion we congratulate each and every individual of our Carmel Parivar who has been a part of this journey with us and carried forward the legacy of Mother Veronica. God bless you all.